Personnel and contractor management
A software platform for automating administrative processes in the management and provision of personnel and control over contractors.

Module advantages:
- Access control and identification of employees and contractors
- Integration of module data with special control systems for employees and contractors – alcohol testing, medical examinations, predictive video analytics
- Control of the location of employees and contractors by registering the time of entry / exit of employees, recording the time of presence at the workplace, identifying violators
- Automatic notification of responsible persons about violations and assignment of corrective actions
- Control of compliance of the personnel of the enterprise and employees of contractors with the established legislative and internal requirements in the field of supply of overalls, tools, personal protective equipment
- Updating information on work permits, completed instructions, training courses and medical examinations in real time
- Collection of statistical information and assessment of the effectiveness of the work performed
Module implementation results:
- Reducing the burden on managers to ensure and control personnel
- Elimination of violation of any kind of requirements and penalties for non-compliance of employees
- Conducting employee certification, monitoring the training process
- Efficient planning with minimal disruption to production
- Reducing labor costs to ensure the procurement of PPE, creating a schedule for passing medical examinations and training
- Prevention of occupational diseases, reducing the level of general morbidity
- The ability to quickly and efficiently receive information about the general health of employees
- Control over contractors
- Systematization of administrative activities for the management and provision of personnel and control over contractors
- Control over the validity of certificates and other permits
Learn about other modules of the intelligent system
Learn more about each module by clicking on the icon and you will be taken to a page with detailed information about the module or watch 2-min video

PTW software

Personnel and contractor management

Key performance indicators

Industrial safety control

Incident management

Dangerous (working) conditions/ Hazardous production facility

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+7 (499) 649-69-77
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42/1 Bolshoiy Boulevard, off 2-234,
Skolkovo Innovation Center,
Moscow, Russia, 121205
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42/1 Bolshoiy Boulevard, off 2-234,
Skolkovo Innovation Center
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
12 Semashko street, off 15-20