Incident management

Generating global statistics to prevent future incidents and ensure a high level of industrial safety, labor protection and the environment.

Module advantages:

  • Prompt registration of incidents and prompt notification of responsible persons
  • Automatic classification of incidents by company, sequential numbering
  • Investigation initiation and task setting
  • Determination and automatic generation of a list of direct and root causes
  • Identifying the commonality of incidents across the enterprise
  • Automatic formation of measures to prevent incidents and control of deadlines for assigned tasks
  • The use of the machine learning algorithm in the work of the module in the formation of direct and root causes, as well as the appointment of corrective measures
  • Formation of internal and external reporting, audit of the quality of the investigation
  • Automatic construction of global statistics, conducting analytics on the enterprise
  • Expert support for management decisions

Module implementation results:

  • Preventing incidents in the future and reducing the risk of their occurrence
  • Work in a single information field for the rapid exchange of information on incident investigation
  • Unified reporting form and standardization of investigation methodology
  • Compliance with regulations and investigation requirements
  • Monitoring the execution of activities
  • Targeted use of company resources
  • Formation of any statistics and analytics at the click of a button
  • Remote access to information anywhere in the world

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PTW software

Personnel and contractor management

Key performance indicators
Industrial safety control
Incident management
Dangerous (working) conditions/ Hazardous production facility

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+7 (499) 649-69-77

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Skolkovo Innovation Center,
Moscow, Russia, 121205


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Skolkovo Innovation Center

+7 499 649 69 19

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