Production control
Automation of the audit, increasing the level of executive discipline, identifying risks and performing the assigned tasks strictly on time.

Module advantages:
- Planning of measures to determine the current state of the HSE processes
- Formation of a single list of audits and inspections conducted at the enterprise
- Identification of discrepancies in audit results and their analysis
- Determination of measures to eliminate inconsistencies and control of the timing of their implementation
- Building a systematic approach in the process of ensuring safety, identifying hazardous factors and reducing the risk of accidents
- Determination of a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the state of objects and processes of industrial safety of HSE
- Displaying on the electronic map of the object of the areas of industrial safety, labor protection and environmental protection, requiring attention and adjustment
The result of using the module:
- Prompt access to necessary information from a personal computer, smartphone and tablet
- Identifying effective corrective actions
- Monitoring the timing of tasks and activities
- Objective assessment of the state of objects and current processes of industrial safety and labor protection
- Saving time on information processing and reporting
- Complete exclusion of paperwork
- Obtaining objective and reliable supervision
Learn about other modules of the intelligent system
Learn more about each module by clicking on the icon, and you will be taken to a page with detailed information about the module or watch 2-min video

PTW software

Personnel and contractor management

Key performance indicators

Industrial safety control

Incident management

Dangerous (working) conditions/ Hazardous production facility

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Skolkovo Innovation Center
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
12 Semashko street, off 15-20