Dangerous (working) conditions / Hazardous production facility
Automation of the process of registration and accounting of dangerous actions and conditions at the enterprise.

Module advantages:
- Rapid registration of dangerous actions, violations and dangerous conditions
- Automatic classification into hazard and loss categories, sequential numbering
- Appointment and control of corrective actions based on the results of identified hazardous actions and conditions
- Automatic notification of responsible persons about violations and assignment of corrective actions
- Display on the electronic map of the object of the areas of industrial safety, labor protection and environmental protection, requiring attention and adjustment
- The ability to attach to the card a dangerous condition or action of photo, audio, video materials
- Automatic construction of global statistics, conducting analytics on the enterprise
Module implementation results:
- Methodical, regular and prompt risk assessment
- Systematic development of corrective measures and actions, reducing the likelihood of accidents and personnel injuries
- Identification of areas of industrial safety, labor protection and environmental protection, requiring special attention, based on current statistics
- Targeted spending of funds and reducing the cost of organizing a safe production
- Direct involvement of employees in the processes of ensuring safe working conditions using a risk-based approach
- Formation of leadership among employees and managers in health, safety and environmental protection
- Formation of a sustainable model of safe behavior of personnel in production
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PTW software

Personal and contractors control

Key performance indicators

Industrial safety control

Incident management

Dangerous (working) conditions / Hazardous Production Facility

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