Large Russian and foreign enterprises are faced with the need to improve the efficiency of management of industrial safety and labor protection processes, which is a necessary requirement of the legislation of the Russian Federation on hazardous production facilities.
Health safety and environment management activities are effective when using an integrated approach.
The use of the intelligent modular system ISSOW (Integrated safe system of work) solves this problem. ISSOW automates the business processes of an industrial safety and labor enterprise.
ISSOW is 24/7 safety at work

Digital permit-to-work

Solutions by industry
ISSOW moves the management of frontline work activity away from a reactive «fire-fighting» mentality towards a proactive and planned approach.
ISSOW is a multifunctional tool for safe work. It is an automated 24/7 analysis and control system for incidents and optimization of production processes.
These functions are especially in demand among manufacturing with increased production risk and high-risk facilities in the oil and gas, metals industry, fuel and energy, chemical and other industries.
Oil&gas Industry
Metals Industry
Energy Industry
Chemical Industry
Transport Industry
Nuclear Industry
Mining Industry
Technologies and services
Click on the icons to find out more information about a particular technology.
The Far Eastern High Technologies Fund is an investment fund created in 2018 by the Far East Development Fund, RUSNANO and RVC (Russian Venture Company) …
About Vision Zero movement
VISITECH is the official partner of the Vision zero global movement dedicated to occupational safety, health and wellbeing.
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About the Skolkovo Foundation
The Skolkovo Innovation Center, of which VISITECH is a resident, is a modern scientific and technological innovation complex that brings together successful companies on the global market working in priority sectors of modernizing the Russian economy.
About fund of promoting innovation
The Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere is a state non-profit organization established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 65 of February 3, 1994.
Find out about the latest news about VISITECH
Under the three latest news, there is a button that will take you to all news from 2016 to today.
VISITECH and the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan negotiations.
On April 6, a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center VISITECH and…
VISITECH webinars. Mobile Crawler
On March 18 another VISITECH webinar took place…
Russia will develop a standard in the field of industrial safety against the background of the fight against COVID-19
ASI has prepared proposals for the creation of a professional standard in the field of industrial safety during the COVID-19 period. The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), together with Vizitek...
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+7 (499) 649-69-77
Central office of VISITECH LLC
Moscow, Russia
12 Semashko street, off 15-20
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